
Just setting up my Hugo

Boromir’s “one does not simply” meme with the following text: one does not simply / just set up hugo

Aaand here’s another attempt at a statically generated website.

I wanted to start with a citation but then I realised that (see above) there is no such thing as “just” setting up a (hugo, or whatever else) statically generated website… At least not for me. Yes, I am that kind of nerd who starts with a nice idea for a post and ends up writing their own blogging platform. And without ever completing neither the blogging platform nor the post, of course.

This is why Gopher worked great for me, as I just had to focus on content. And don’t get me wrong, I still love it. But I also think I should have some other medium to communicate in a more expressive way - and without requiring people to have a gopher client installed (btw if you don’t have one, go and get Lagrange NOW).

And so Hugo it is. With a barebone theme which I love (thanks Vicki and sorry this looks like a ripoff of your website at the moment!), and hopefully the bare minimum intervention on my side to make things work as I’d like. Which is like a gopherhole, basically :-), plus an RSS feed, images when I feel the need to add them, and hopefully a light enough publishing process that allows me to focus on contents by automatically dealing with different protocols. Yes, I want to play with this… But I will also build something to do the opposite and make my current gopherspace accessible here (in the best sdf tradition, writing my own very basic command line tools). Ultimately, I would like to bring my old blog posts in here too from my personal wordpress, and consolidate all my thoughts in a single space - but even more importantly using a single, simple, textfiles-based format.

So, what will you find here?

Hopefully this will work better than the previous version of mala::notes. But well, in the worst case I’ll have spent some holiday time learning about hugo :-)