About me
Hi! I am Davide, son of two teachers and father of two amazing kids, reverse engineer by nature and machine learning engineer + researcher by job.
My main research interest is around knowledge at different levels: how it can be formalized and collectively produced (Description Logics, Social Semantic Web), how it can be extracted from unstructured or semi-structured data (Social Web mining, ontology extraction from text), and how it can be exploited to make sense of vast amounts of information (machine learning, LLMs).
I currently work at Mozilla.ai where I strive to build AI systems people are in control of. In my previous lives I was a MLE at Twitter (proudly 1.0), a lecturer and researcher at USI and PoliMI, one of the (few!) students of the +HCU, and the creator of 3564020356. You can find a bit more about me on mala::home, my (previous) website and blog, which will probably be moved here at some point.
Ah, I also have a phlog!
Why mala::notes?
mala::notes actually started few years ago, with the aim of keeping online notes from my experiments. This did not work :-) but after almost two years of phlogging I realised that (i) plain text / markdown is how I want to share things, and (ii) a static website tool such as hugo might help me share them both on Gopher and Web. This means you might see something new here or not, depending on whether I can make my different sites converge and/or produce new things worth sharing.
- Mastodon: @mala@fosstodon.org
- Twitter: @aittalam
- Gopher: gopher://gopher.3564020356.org gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/mala
- Web: http://3564020356.org http://davide.eynard.it